We had a great visit to the community of Blackpoint and headed south towards Georgetown, which will be our southernmost destination this year. Our daughter Ashley, is joining us in Georgetown for a week or so & then Brenda has a babysitting gig back in TO. I will move the boat from here to Marsh Harbour if I can scare up the right crew.
On our way south from Blackpoint we cruised the bank side past Musha Cay which is owned by David Copperfield and rented out for $320,000 US per week for the whole island including it’s 5 cottages with maximum 20 guests - he does own the most magical water we have seen –try googling it. We anchored at Rudder cut, then went out the cut in the morning…we were a bit early for the complete tide change and so surfed over 8-9 foot waves on the way out, before settling into the 3-4 foot waves as we went the last few miles to Conch Cay cut and into Elizabeth Harbour – Georgetown - We had anchors down by 2pm off the gorgeous beach on Stocking Island. We are about a 1 mile dingy ride to Georgetown, which makes me glad we bought the biggest hard bottom dingy we could tow with the 15 HP 2 stroke Yamaha. Other cruisers are clearly handicapped in some of the tiny underpowered rigs they are driving. Interestingly -- this advice, often not followed, is recorded as a top piece of advice in the bahamascruisersguide.com , came from other experienced cruisers we spoke to in researching our trip and is well published other places. Of course we also saw a sailboat that was barely 2 feet longer than the 14, kayak he had tied to his rails…some folks just enjoy the challenges.
We made good time into Georgetown and had the anchor down by 2 PM. We are hanging out at Hamburger Beach, named for the multi-coloured burger shack and tables that is situated beside a path to the ocean. Georgetown isn’t a harbour as I know a harbour. It is really a long channel. The east side is a long island, Stocking Island that runs parallel to the shore but with a one mile side stretch of water between the two. The boats are anchored all along Stocking Island. The island shore is covered with the beautiful white sand beaches. The town of Georgetown is really Elizabeth Harbour. Cruisers have been coming here for many years. In the heyday, before 2008, there were 500 boats in the harbour at this time of year but this year there is only 240. Still it seems a lot after the trip down from Nassau and sharing the anchorages with 4 or less. Georgetown is winter camp for retired people. There are organized activities every afternoon at 2 until 4. You name it you can do it here –poker, golf, volleyball, horseshoes, softball, sewing/knitting, scrabble, ma jong, bridge, poker. Every am at 8am the cruisers net comes on to announce the events of the day and week, gives the weather, ads from local businesses , expressions of thanks to other cruisers, no complaining is allowed. And really who should be complaining in this lovely spot? The town is typically Bahamian. Most services are available. The cruisers host an annual week long Regatta raising funds for the community for various projects to enhance it here for everyone – dogs in costumes parade (to music), 1100 coconuts release in the lagoon and chased by dingy teams, golf tournament, volleyball etc and of course in harbour and round the island races. The kick-off party is at volley ball beach on Monday night with live music and sand dancing….sounds like fun.