November 25, We entered Florida at Fernandina Beach. A very industrial part of the state, not what they show you on the travel brochures. There were old rusty scows on the east side of the ICW, sketchy mooring fields with sunken sailboats, only their masts still showing and smoke stacks from some sort of manufacturing endeavour. Needless to say we hustled on south. The next day was better.
Cool Bed & Breakfast |
Ideas for Chris's Totem at Brenda's Cay? |
Bridge art |
Fun Riverside Cottage |
We seemed to be in less developed area and there were schools of dolphins. They were having a grand time jumping around, eating something no doubt. Chris tried to get some photos.
Several great things include the water colour just keeps getting better, the air is warmer, birds of all kinds are plentiful and we have been hearing the krill under our ships hull many nights since Charleston (sounds like an electrical fire).
We spent one night anchored at Matanzas Inlet. It was one road back from the ocean. There were more dolphins, lots of nice birds, a couple of jet skis, a beautiful beach and the remains of an old fort. Oh yes, and lots of motorcycles on the road. It was a great day for a ride. Before we left in the morning we agreed that we were far enough south that we could sit and enjoy a cup of coffee before we took on the day. Until now we have been hustling everyday.. to get south. It was grand, the dolphins were around us, we could hear the surf and the sun was shining.
November 27- November 28 Daytona Beach Brenda's wild ride
Famous Datytona Beach...we checked into the Halifax River Municipal Marina and prepare to stay a couple of days to provision and see the sights. Marina folks said everything is close...not so ...we walked 2 miles in search of a seafood restaurant, ended up at the beach and had a traditional beach bar burger...the drinks were watered down...all juice I think! We took a cab back to the marina, got the cabbie to give us a quick tour and had great key lime pie and decaf coffee back at the marina Blue Grotto restaurant. I felt Daytona has had its glory days and facing hard times now...we should have stopped at St Augustine, which has a great waterfront. Bad weather forecast dictated another day stay.
We had an interesting day travelling on the Daytona Beach city bus system. Most of the travellers were people of colour, we whities were in the minority and the few other white folk on the bus seemed challenged one way or another. We took the bus to the grocery store. A tense moment when Chris asked a rather large tatooed man if he was still going out with Linda...who's Linda? he challenged and Chris pointed to the tatoo..oh...that's my mother he declared, so I guess you are still together Chris said...he smiled and we didn't get punched man is so brave! Then I went on the bus solo to the shopping centre that was recommended by the marina. The shopping centre was half way across Florida! We went by the college, the university, the hospital, multiple doctors offices(for a country without universal healthcare there are an awful lot of doctors), the airport and the speedway before we finally got to the mall entrance. I spent an enjoyable day alone, of course there were not many people shopping because they were recovering from shopping all weekend. Then I had to ride back on the bus. I didn't get on the bus the marina recommended. I got on the bus driven by the same driver who was driving us in the morning. He remembered me (how could he not) asked me where I was going and he said hop on lady I will get you there. This was the bus route that the tourist bureau doesn't want you on. PS I forgot, Americans seem talk to anyone and everyone on the bus, and in very loud voices. Canadians never talk to anyone on the bus, and if they do, like they are telling you a secret (in a low voice).
So there were already a few people on the bus. A young mom with a huge cart full of preemie baby formula, and another soon to be young mom, plus a bunch of noisy people in the back. Well I think almost the first stop was at the Veterans Hospital. Several seriously weathered Viet Nam vets get on followed by a man in a wheelchair. The first guy, likely a little older than me, who probably hadn't cut his hair since he got back from Nam, launches into his story of being a medic in Nam and trying to help deliver babies there but they didn't want his help. This was probably because he was covered with blood and those people have been having babies in the field for 4,000 years. Then a little later he talks to this rather large lady who got on the bus and he wanted to give up his seat. They bantered back and forth and then he said how he hasn't any pain because they give him so much drugs at the vet hospital. Then his wife phoned him and they nattered, then he hung up and she phoned him back and he answered "Reverend Jim here".
Person # 2, young clean guy likely mid twenties, obviously bi polar talking a mile a minute launches onto the young gal who is ready to have her baby any minute about how he would be scared to have a baby, isn't she scared to have a baby blah blah blah. Fortunately he moved down the bus but continued on yakking. And all the time there is this creepy guy sitting at an a angle to me. Obviously nuts as well. So we are going along on the bus and the neighbourhoods just get seedier and seedier.
Then this young white guy gets on dressed like a rapper, very clean clothes, new, but way too big for him. He had those big shorts on that hang off their behind and the only way he could keep them on was to hang on to his crotch!! I kid you not!!. And the neighbourhoods just get seedier and seedier.
Then a bunch of people get on with bags of clothes from Sally Ann. I felt very conspicuous with my bags of new stuff from Macy's. Then this overdressed girl gets on with the big boobs and the big hair, low cut black dress. In her purse she has one of those long skinny hard salami sticks, she is flinging around a loaf of white bread and complaining because she has to go to the back of the bus for a seat. Meantime there are folks in the back scrapping about something. And the neighbourhoods just get seedier and seedier, eventually we come to a trailer park, old white trailers. Then we come to another trailer park with really old trailers but they are painted up in bright colours so they don't look half bad. Then finally we got to the transfer station and they all got off.
I stayed on and a few more nuts got on. One guy chatted me up when he found out I was CDN he immediately said oh you have socialized medicine, I was stunned because I didn't think he could read!! Then he went on to say what a great PM Brian Mulroney was! I was by then thinking I must be in the twilight zone.
We got to my stop and I said thanks very much. I meant it...this bus ride was a real slice of life!
November 29 - December 5
Following Daytona we moved on to CocoaBeach where we caught up our friends Diana and Ross on One White Tree. I spent a great day in Orlando with Diana and another friend. Diana is to be mother of the bride in October of 2012 so she played dress up and we got to ooh and ahh at all the pretty dresses. Chris messed around on the boat doing boat stuff, after being unable to get a hose on or off he was changing - tight quarters, many bruises later, Chris called the plumber - some things are better left to others. Cocoa Beach Village is lovely. The merchants and the town have refurbished the original town as a great walking, shopping and eating centre. Again we used the bus system and went out to Ron Jon's famous surf shop. We wandered on the beach and had lunch at a beach tiki bar. Chris bought salt water fishing gear to catch mahi mahi or any other fish dumb enought to bite his line when we are cruising the Bahamas.
ICW View from our dock at Cocoa |
December 06
Our next port of call was Fort Pierce where we anchored in front of the city marina and took advantage of the free wifi. Along with the free wifi we got a free light and music show. The town has decorated the trunks of tall palm trees with 4 colours of Christmas lights. The lights blink in sync with the Christmas carols that are blasted out from some where. The concert is 30 minutes long starting at 6pm. The first time was very nice. However the concert is on a loop! By 930 we were on the 8th loop. I battened down the hatches, hunted up some ear plugs and hit the hay.
Did I say the sun always shines in Florida? Did I say the air is spectacularly clear in Florida? Have I commented how big and beautiful the skies are down here? Did I say there is a house for every budget in Florida? Did I say there is a boat for every budget in Florida? Well there is. Say what you want about this palm filled state but there is definitely something for everyone, every taste and every budget.
December 7&8th
Today we ran the bridge gaunlet. We stayed last night at Lake Worth (at Palm Beach), one of the jumping off points for the Bahamas. Chris decided he wanted to go inside to Ft. Lauderdale. Okay I said, not realizing he thought there was only 4 bridges, when in reality there are 19!!!! These are timed bridges that have to raise up for almost every height of boat. We managed to do 17 by 3pm. We called it quits and will do the rest tomorrow. Fortunately there were very few boats on the ICW today so it wasn't to scary. The houses and boats in this part of Florida are grand, magnificent, ostentatious, etc. Tomorrow we are heading to the global mecca for boaters...Fort Lauderdale...53,000 registered boats in this city...every conceivable yacht service...many power/sail to's as the City is built on numerous canal systems.
We are currently anchored in a scoop off the ICW called Lettuce Lake. Its not a lake. Its a scoop off the ICW but there is free wifi !!! The houses around us are decorated for Christmas, we can hear the surf, we are on the second full moon of our trip. Life is good!